Moved into Miami!

Jul 05, 2012 17:18

Hi LJ-land!

So, I'm finally settled in Miami! Well, sorta. I got an apartment in Homestead, which is kind of a suburb to the south of Miami. I had many, many headaches and troubles physically getting into my place that I won't go into right now, when I'm posting from my phone. That'll have to wait until I've un-lazied myself enough to get internet service set up here. :B

Anyways, my apartment's a mess, and I haven't unpacked hardly anything more than my shower stuff, and I don't see anything like that happening until maybe this weekend, but more than likely next weekend. :U

Work is going fine, and I'm mostly still in the preparation stages, what with buying items for training aids and doggie supplies. Everyone so far likes Bentley, and I spend most of my days with him, grooming, taking him for walks, and just generally hanging out. Not too bad of a job, I guess. XD; I am looking forward to doing actual work, though! We'll be scoping out a FedEx facility tomorrow, and that'll give me an idea of how and when we can start doing actual inspections.

So besides that, I wanted to post to say hi, and put up a quick photo of the view out of my kitchen window, since there's still crap in bags & boxes all over the inside. ^^;

My "lake" view, complete with palm trees! :)

Alrighty, I really need a nap or something. Bye bye!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

photos, via ljapp, miami, personal, incoherent babble

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