More Sally, and Precious too

May 10, 2011 16:15

Ok, I waited a little longer than I should've to take pictures today. I've been taking them downstairs also, where the light doesn't last quite as long as it does upstairs. But upstairs, my Lucai are still set up in their little scene, and I've been too lazy to put them back in their places. ^^;;

So, I got Sally & Precious, hauled them downstairs, and took a couple photos. :3 I should probably put Precious in some regular clothes, instead of the frilly ones he was wearing for my last photoset, but he does look cute in it, and I'm sure Sally's seen him in (and out of O: ) a bunch of different types of outfits, so it's ok. X3 ♥

Anyways, on to the pictars!

Salvador: I missed you, Precious. It's good to see you again.

Precious: You're not so hard on the eyes yourself, Sally.


Aww, pretty boys. n_n Precious likes playing with Sally's hair. <3

They do make for a good-looking couple. ;D

Cuddle times~~

As the light was fading from my living room, Precious moved in for smooches. ♥
(Almost forgot to post this one, whoops!)

I'll definitely have to do more with them soon, either a photostory, or a fic, or something. They are fun together! :D

And one more photo, just a closeup of Sally's FACE. And the pretty Silver eyes I put in him. 8D


Time to forage for something to eat! O:

couples - sally & precious, precious, doll photos, sally

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