(no subject)

May 23, 2010 07:59

So, last night was another trip to the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens for me & aeryn_aerie. However, we went to meet up with DoA user aernath and her husband, to go to the "Moonlight Walk" event being held there. We weren't really sure what to expect, but it was an event that went from 7-11 (we left around 945 though) that had the walkways lit up with paper lanterns, and there was live music and sky viewings with telescopes set up, and screens showing random nature scenes, and also beer & wine & sodas. There were people selling light up thingies, like necklaces and bracelets and little doo-dads like a rubber froggie that you pushed on to make light up. There were tons of people there, too.

To be honest, I prefer the gardens when there are like, 10 people there as opposed to 1000. XD But it was still pretty cool to be there at night, and once it finally got dark, to actually see the lanters lit up. (It doesn't get dark until like, 830 or 9.)

Anyways, we started out while it was still pretty light out, and basically just bummed around with a couple of aernath's dollies, then when it got darker, we went exploring along the lighted pathways.

I took a few pictures, and they get progressively grainier as it got darker. XD Had to kick that ISO way up! :B I'm obviously not a nighttime photgrapher, but it was fun to try my hand at it anyways.

So, I have 10 photos, and they are all of naturey, scenery type things. And they're grainy. :B Yay! XD;

Well, like I said, it started out not dark at all. I took this photo because of my deep-seated love of ginko leaves. ♥

Flower! Yeah, I dunno, I just like cute flowers.

It was already getting pretty gloomy by the time I took this, but still not actually dark yet.

Lanterns in the bamboo garden! We could finally see them. XD

Oh hello there, paper bag lanterns. :B

Well, it was too dark to tell, but I took this through the bamboo. You'll have to trust me. ;x

Buddha doesn't mind being on fire. O:

Oh look, more lanterns! :')

This was probably my favorite photo, even though it's suuuper grainy. I had to take a very long exposure for this one, at ISO 1600. XD They had all these candles set up over the little lake, and it was really pretty. :3 I'm just glad I didn't shake too much for this to come out. I didn't have a tripod with me or anything. ^^;

And I stopped to take a pic of one of the lit-up hanging lanterns on the way out. :B

Wheee, boring non-dollie photos! \o/

kanapaha botanical gardens, photos, nature

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