November Photo Project - Day 9

Nov 09, 2008 16:57

Well, Andres just barely won the vote to be photographed today. When I left this morning to go out to work, he had three votes, Nomiki had two, Chris had one plus my vote, which counts as one and a half (;P), and Leonidas had one. So, fat-face Andres it was. He doesn't really like nature though, so he wasn't too pleased at going along. Ah well. Suck it up, Andres! :U

Andres would rather be at Starbucks.

I bet he likes foam on his drinks. XD

Or does he prefer whipped cream? O:

I don't think he's willing to tell. :x

This sorta looks like an "I'm tired of this game" face, doesn't it? :B

A crappy picture, but I liked the little scene, I guess. 8B

And now, I'm going to go make dinner! I bought pork chops, green beans, potatoes (for mashed potatoes), and Shake & Bake, because it's good and I'm not that much of a Suzy Homemaker. Damn, I'm hungry. O:

Tomorrow's photos will be of Graeves! For his one-year anniversary! \o/

andres, doll photos, november photo project 08

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