I'm glad it was a long weekend even though I did absolutely nothing. Well, nothing besides re-downloading all the Gokusen manga I'd lost when my computer died a little while back, then re-reading it. Oh, and reading fanfic. Some ok, mostly kinda bad, but I've been on a real Gokusen kick again. Maybe I'll even finally get around to watching the third season of the drama.
Anyways, I took a few pictures tonight. Nothing terribly inspired, just Fall and Ichi were in my photo-taking area from Fall's last photoshoot, and from Ichi recently modeling the
necklace I'm selling. I have some Vaughn and Vaughn & Nomi pictures planned, but the inspiration just wouldn't hit today. I'll try again soon, maybe.
You can barely tell, but Ichi's hand is on Fall's knee. How daring! O:
(And Fall's hair is a mess. I don't know where my combs are. T_T)
Kind of a funny angle on Ichi, huh? :\ But I liked Fall's gaze, so, yeah.
Fall's just like, "Yeah, I get hugs from beautiful Ichis everyday. *yawn*"
And that's all for tonight.