(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 08:05

Took some pictures of Fall last night, trying to get a good one for my LJ userinfo (since I still haven't put him in there ^^;; ) and got a couple shots, edited them, went to upload...and my internet wasn't working. T_T

I wasn't really surprised by it, since I'd gotten a phonecall from my cable provider saying they'd be doing maintenance on the lines in my area starting at midnight and going until noon so I probably wouldn't have service, but still. :< It *had* been working only a little before.

Anyways, I only managed to get one of them uploaded in the sporadic bouts of access I had, and naturally, it was the one I liked the least. Or, I definitely like it the least now that I can see the whole thing at once. Maybe I'll stop editing my photos to be so damn big, and then I'll be able to view an entire one on my laptop's tiny little screen. >_>;;

But, I'm posting it anyways, because, umm, something's better than nothing, right? :B Ok, maybe not. ._.

He really is so, so beautiful. And that picture is utter crap. D: Holy jesus, I need to get a new camera and learn some new photo-taking skills. Or something. Actually, I'm really, really looking forward to improved image quality from a dslr, more DoF options, manual focus so my boys with lush eyelashes don't always end up with out-of-focus eyes because my camera wanted to focus on the lashes... Yeah. I'm wistful. :<

In other news? I finally got my invoice for my Okita's eyes from SMJ...and, yikes! I would have to go and bid the hell out of some expensive-ass eyes when the conversion rate was so bad. 95yen to the dollar!!! D: C'mon USD, I'm tired of your crap. :[ A year ago, you were doing so much better, as Nomiki was only about $830 after deputy service fees back then. (Nomi's one year anniversary is coming up on April 30, btw. He accepts presents of chocolate at my address.)

Umm, what else. Today at work there's an employee's association auction. Usually there's a lot of crap up for grabs, but there's also usually some really awesome baked goods. Kahlua cake, here I come! O:

doll yappy yap, doll photos, fall

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