Mar 24, 2006 11:28
so in the end, i decided to just go ahead and buy trish what she wanted. because when i was at church on sunday there were these two guest speakers there michael and his wife, i dont remember her name, that were potter's field ministries. they were talking about how man is like a lump of clay in the potter's hands. you can either break away from the potter and continue to simply be clay, or you can let the potter mold you into something beautiful and wonderful. michael was awesome too, he kind of reminded me of me, being really excited about something and talking loudly, it was cool. anyway he talked about how a person should forgive others or else they will not be forgiven. and that really stuck me. because i have been nothing but filled with hate and loathing towards trish and how can i expect to be forgiven my huge debt when i cant even forgive her her small infracture. its just like the parable of the unmeriful servant. there was once a king with many servants. one servant however owned millions and millions of dollars to the king. the king said that unless the debt was repaid, that the servant would have to have his wife and children sold. but servant then begged the king to cancel the debt and so the king relented. the servant was grateful but then when the servant saw another fellow servant who owned him a few dollars he grabbed the other servant and choked him, demanding his money. the king then reprimanded the servant about how he was forgiven a huge unpayable debt but yet still could not forgiven a small debt against him.
so i thought about that, how i have been forgiven for all the wrong i have done, and yet could not forgive trish for demanding back what was techinally hers. though i guess thinking aobut it now that parable could be shown for trish too but still that wasnt the point. the point was that i realized that i needed to forgive her mostly for my own sake, so it would not eat away at me and make me more bitter and angry. i could now wash my hands of the whole situation and not have to deal with either of them. so i was grateful for that, and when i went to barnes and noble to buy a chai latte (those are so good, you guys should try it, its not coffee) there were the girl scouts right there. praise jesus! i could make my resitution and do it real easy.
the only final thing was when i went upstairs the next day to give trish the cookies she asked me why i changed my mind. when i told her she said, "well that is a good lesson to learn" i inside i kind of shook my head. she still hasnt learned anything. this whole experience, while it has taught me something, has taught her nothing and that is actually kind of sad. she still thinks the whole situation was all my fault and she will take nothing away from this. its really kind of sad. because she is never going to grow up.
but at least now, everything is back to normal.. for now.