Nov 22, 2009 15:37
Things, especially interpersonal things, seem to have a way of resolving themselves, even when you wish they wouldn't. At least not in the manner they have chosen.
Aside from the intentionally cryptic, I am talking about the roommate fiasco from earlier this week. The issue resolved itself nicely, and it seems that said roommate is moving out in a month or so. Considering I have a sister looking for a room, this is probably for the best.
Research is wrapping itself up nicely, at least the subject running portion of it. We're going to artifact the EEG data (that is to say, cleaning up everything that doesn't belong like eye blinks and movement) starting this week, and that will likely last until January. The write up is also proceeding with me working on the literature review and everything not pertaining to data.
Academics are going well this semester. Not fantastic, but well. The addition of a new friend to my social circle has helped things this fall, providing both a study partner and a sympathetic ear. Its been a welcome change.
The mother issues remain fairly constant. A new round of meds and treatment seem to have her stable for the time being, but the planned trip down to Phoenix to potentially see the rest of my siblings for Thanksgiving gives me adequate reason to fret, I think. Considering the rather turbulent history she has had with her treatments over the last seven years, its hardly pessimistic. I am fully prepared for a rather crappy holiday weekend, though I would not mind being pleasantly surprised.
That about covers it I think. New information to clear up the subtext you never really worried about to begin with. Just another essential service I provide.