Nov 25, 2005 15:25
i used to want to get married,
but now i really don't.
people are too fucking quick to call it quits
because they get annoyed of something really stupid,
and everyone always looks for the easy way out of everything.
kids or people in general have a false stupid ideals
about what relationships and marriage are like,
and think that if you bicker back and forth
that the relationship is not healthy
and that "happy couples" never fight,
which is complete and utter bullshit.
the couples that last 50 years
or until they're fucking dead
are the ones who actually bring it up
when their husband/wife is bugging the shit
out of them about something.
they don't hold it in
and expect their partner to know what's bothering them
until it's too late, and then they're like
"oh fuck, i just sat here in silence
and never told them how when they get jealous
it annoys me.
he should have just guessed
from me never bringing it up.
well i'll just get a divorce!"
relationships and marriages are hard work,
why do you think people in the past have said that?
it's because its true.
love is not an easy ride
and just because you're not coasting
doesn't mean that it's not love.
and if you have already started a family
that is even more reason not to get a divorce.
and no matter what anyone says
there is no justification for cheating,
regardless if you are happy, sad, or "in the moment".
and if they think about getting divorced
because they met someone new
that is the most disrespectful thing in the world.
everyone has their little crushes
and just because you fancy someone
does not mean you have to act on it.
if you felt right marrying the person in the first place
then they are worth staying married to,
despite their flaws that they may develop.
you work, and compromise and everything will turn out fine.
when you get married it's "til death do us part",
not "til i get bored or annoyed of you do us part".
obviously, there are exceptions
like wife/husband beating
or something very serious like that.
for some reason this all always bothers me,
and i felt like writing it.
maybe i'll delete it or make it private later
i don't really know.