fic: Anyone You Want

Jan 10, 2010 15:50

Frank/Gerard, one-sided Frank/Julian Casablancas, NC-17
2154 words.

So this happened: @frankiero "I am completely gay for julian casablancas' voice. His record, phrazes for the young hasnt left my cd player. 4chords of the apoc.= my jam." And then this story happened.

Thanks to harborshore for looking this over and to ciel_vert for providing the text of that tweet after Frank deleted it.

Happy (belated) birthday, air_crash! This one's for you.

Frank hits play on the stereo and smiles in anticipation. The keyboard riff that starts the disc quickly gives way to chugging guitars and distant vocals and he just stands there with his eyes closed and lets it all wash over him, tries to soak it in through his pores by osmosis or some shit. He flushes warm as he listens, like the temperature in his room just shot up twenty degrees, and he's getting a huge fucking boner. It feels fucking awesome.

He focuses hard on feeling the moment until he starts to get a little light-headed, then he crosses the room, grabbing a magazine off the dresser as he goes. He sits down on the edge of his bed, knees together, and spreads the magazine across his lap. It falls open easily to a dog-eared page and he smoothes down the glossy sheet with a gentle hand. "Hi," he says to the guy staring up at him from the spread.

The guy doesn't reply.

Of course he doesn't. Julian Casablancas is way too cool for small talk.

Frank runs a finger down Julian's hair and across his shoulder.

"How could you be so perfect?" Frank asks him, singing along with the chorus.

Julian still doesn't answer.

Frank looks down at Julian's mouth, gets lost in its shape, the curve of his bottom lip. He rubs the swell of his dick through his jeans, teasing himself. The music plays on in the background and Frank is lost in it, too, like it and him are the only thing left in the world.

One song ends and the next one starts. Julian croons over an organ and Frank shivers in delight. This is Frank's fucking jam. He squeezes his dick through his jeans as he looks down to meet Julian's eyes.

"No, I mean it, I love your voice. I'm completely gay for your voice. Listen to you!"

Spilling from the speakers in the background, Julian is singing, crooning, "I can hear it in your voice, there's always a catch..."

"Fuck, I love this song so much," Frank says, easing his belt open. "This is the one that did it for me, you know? I think if you sang this for me I'd suck your dick. I'd get right down on my knees and suck your dick so hard you couldn't see straight, that's how gay I am for your voice. I'm good at it, too. You'd fucking love it. You'd love it so much you'd sing for me every day just so I'd suck your dick again."

No response from Julian. Frank's pretty used to it by now, though.

"But you're not here," Frank sighs. "So I'm going to have to jerk myself off, and you're going to watch."

Julian stares up from the page as Frank unzips his fly.

"I bet you like to watch," Frank muses, searching Julian's face. "You seem like a dirty guy. I like that."

The magazine slides down Frank's legs as he lifts his hips to ease his jeans down his thighs.

"I'm going to come on your face," he tells Julian. "Do you like that?" He slips the head of his dick out the front of his boxers and then has to reach out quickly to hold the magazine on his leg before it slips off onto the floor. Once he's got his hand on it he eyes it for a moment, then slides it back up his thighs so he can rub his dick against the page. He folds the paper to get Julian's face closer to his dick and he stares down wide-eyed, watching himself smear pre-come up Julian's leather jacket towards his face. "Do you like that? Do you? Yeah you do."

Frank clutches the magazine tight with one hand, and with the other clamps his fingers in a ring around his dick. He strokes himself in short jerks from the base up to the ridge around the head, then twists his grip and slides back down.

His boxers are now very much in the way now so he grabs at the waistband, trying to ease them down without letting go of the magazine. It takes a bit of doing, but he's determined. He finally pushes them down just far enough that he's completely free of them, and the sudden extra space makes everything feel so much better. He gives himself a few tugs before he stops just long enough to spit in his palm, then he grabs himself again, hefts it, shows it off for Julian.

The magazine keeps threatening to fall from where he's got it braced against his knee so he tightens his hold on it so hard he can feel the pages start to crumple.

"Oh," he breathes, dismayed, and tries to relax his hand.

But Julian is staring up at him, smouldering at him, those lips twisted up into the suggestion of a smirk, and Frank can't relax. His hand-his other hand, the one on his dick-starts moving faster, gripping a bit tighter, twisting a bit harder.

The air around him feels too warm, too thick and heavy as he sucks in air through his teeth, and-

"Again, Frank?"

Frank's head snaps up and he sees Gerard leaning against the door frame, arms folded across his chest. He looks like he's caught somewhere between rolling his eyes and laughing.

"Come here and help or get out," Frank snaps at him, annoyed at having his perfect moment ruined.

"One of these days you're going to get a paper cut on your dick and you won't be having so much fun," Gerard tells him, but he drops his arms and steps into the room.

"But I have you to kiss it better," Frank points out. He tries to keep one eye on Julian while watching Gerard walk across their bedroom towards him and mostly ends up cross-eyed.

"I don't know, I'm kind of jealous of you and Julian's great love," Gerard says. "Maybe I'll go on strike. Just you watch."

Frank doesn't believe it-he would bet a lot of money that Gerard couldn't last two days without him-and sure enough Gerard gives lie to his own words a moment later when he sits down next to Frank. The bed dips under his weight and pulls Frank down into Gerard. They end up with their sides smushed together and faces in close, but Gerard doesn't touch him other than that, not yet.

Since Gerard isn't doing much of anything, Frank turns his attention back to his dick. He rubs his thumb against the slit in the head, smears around the pre-come, groans a bit when he hits a good spot.

He lifts the magazine and brings it in close, not quite close enough to touch his dick, and he starts jerking off again, really going for it like he was when Gerard fucking interrupted.

Gerard exhales heavily and Frank can feel the warm gust of it against his neck. A moment later there's a warm spot on his knee that's not propping up the magazine. Gerard's hand is weighty and comfortable where it's spread just above the big hole in Frank's jeans. One of Gerard's fingers is tracing a slow back-and-forth against Frank's exposed skin and Frank can't help the shiver that runs through him.

"Look at you," Gerard says, his voice deeper than before. "Can't keep your hands off yourself, that's fucking hot. I should come home to this every day."

Frank grunts his agreement and slides his hand down to cup his balls and roll them gently. He doesn't look away from the magazine.

Gerard sucks in a shallow breath. "I'm not even going to touch you," he goes on. "I'm just going to sit right here and watch you put on a show for me, Frankie."

A knot of warmth starts growing in Frank's stomach at Gerard's words and he leans into Gerard and presses up against his side, still keeping his eyes on Julian. Gerard still doesn't touch him except his finger tracing lines on his knee. Frank grits his teeth and jerks himself a little harder to compensate.

Julian watches impassively.

"Look at you," Gerard says. "You're so desperate for it."

"Yeah," Frank grunts. He tries to rub his face against Gerard, but he can't quite get there unless he looks away from Julian, which isn't gonna happen. He rubs the sensitive spot on the underside of his dick instead, which is just as good.

"Fuck, Frankie," Gerard says quietly. He runs his hand up from Frank's knee towards his thigh, still tracing shapes and lines. It makes the muscles in Frank's leg twitch and the warmth in his stomach starts to spread outwards. He's actually starting to get closer, enough that it's time to pull out the big guns.

"Tell me that story," Frank grunts.

"What, about the time I met Julian?" Gerard traces a J on Frank's leg and Frank leans into him even further.


Gerard huffs out through his nose. "I've already told you that one a million times."

"Tell me again," Frank grits out between sucked-in breaths.

"Mikey dragged me to some show in the Village that Sarah was promoting," Gerard starts. His voice settles easily into a story-telling lilt. "And no offence to Mikey but the bands all kind of sucked, so I was just standing outside smoking when somebody asked if they could bum a 'boro."

"Julian," Frank rasps. His hand spasms around his dick and the sudden tightness sends electric thrills right down to his toes.

"Yeah, Julian," Gerard says. "I didn't know who he was at the time. But then when they started getting bigger, I recognized him in pictures."

"Did he touch you," Frank asks. He's never asked that before, he doesn't know why, but it just popped into his head and he blurted it right out.

Gerard's hand goes still on Frank's leg as he thinks about it. "Yeah, I think so."

Frank's next breath hitches hard. "Where?"

"He, like, patted my arm," Gerard says the words slowly, like he's making sure he gets it just right.

Frank looks up then, locks eyes with Gerard. He licks his lips, jerks himself faster. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Gerard says. "Like this." He lifts his hand from Frank's leg to pat Frank's arm a couple times, just below the shoulder. It's clearly a thank-you gesture.

Frank's eyes almost roll back into his head and his balls pull in tight even as his guts flare hot with jealousy. "Fuck yooooou," he whines, the words catching in his throat where it's all thick and tight. He squeezes the head of his dick and then the base and then he's done, groaning and shuddering against Gerard's side as he comes, shooting all over the magazine.

All over Julian's face.

It looks really fucking good on him, Frank thinks. He finds just enough energy to grin in satisfaction before he sprawls on his back across the bed and the magazine finally slides from his lap.

After a moment Gerard cautiously reaches for it, fumbling at the bottom corner to try to turn the page. It's kind of stuck to the one behind it, but he gets them apart eventually and seems to take no small pleasure in letting the sodden page fall away. "Isn't this the second copy you've ruined?" he asks under his breath.

"So?" Frank asks, petulant. He's too worn out to even flip Gerard off. "Spin's easy to replace."

Gerard huffs a breath out through his nose and Frank can tell he's really trying not to laugh. Gerard looks down at the new page for a while, like he's studying it closely. "He hasn't aged at all in like ten years," he finally pronounces.

"Neither have you," Frank points out. "I have totally awesome taste."

"Sometimes I wonder about my own," Gerard deadpans.

"Fuck you," Frank grins.

Gerard smirks at him. "I think you're done for a while."

"Come on-"

"Besides, you'd probably call me Julian-"

"That was one time!"

Gerard keeps smirking and Frank can't help but smile up at him.

"I'm glad you came home early," Frank tells him.

Gerard smiles back. "Me too. Especially since now you owe me one."

"We'll see," Frank says.

Gerard pokes Frank in the calf. "Can we turn the CD off now? I think it just looped back to the beginning."

Frank squints at Gerard. "Cashing out already?"

"Fuck you, it's not a favour! It's preserving my fucking sanity."

"Tell you what," Frank says. "I'll suck your dick if we can leave the CD on."

"Deal," Gerard says before the last word is out of Frank's mouth.

"Great," Frank beams at him, reaching for the magazine again. "Julian's going to watch, okay?"

my chemical romance, fic

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