I got fanart! I guess this has really minor spoilers for Part Two. Image under the cut!
"He just keeps staring at the mirror" by
thelemic He just keeps staring at the mirror.
And the face staring back at him, well... It's nominally his, but it's somehow all wrong. It's pale, sallow, with dark bruise-coloured circles around his eyes. It looks like he's sick, so sick he's almost dying, like he's got a bad case of something vicious and lingering that's sapped everything out of him but the very last spark of life-and by the looks of it, that spark is next to go.
Is it strange that my favourite detail is his eyebrows? I've always really loved the shape of Gerard's eyebrows (and Mikey's; they're almost the same), and so every time an artist gets them exactly right like they are here I just want to kick my heels in glee.
Other favourite details are the way it somehow actually looks like the glass of the mirror is dusty, and those black smudgey shapes just over reflection!Gerard's shoulders that look eerily like silhouettes. Creepy.
Thank you so much,
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