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A interesting and creative of falling in love that i cant help but put it on my blog.
How can you love without talking? this video exactly shows u how he did it.
I shouldnt comment much on it, just leave it for you to watch it and decide for youself.
Its just too fake to be happening in our real life but as a video i would really say its great
When i watch this, i just think of her unknowningly..
It just reminds me of this phrase i caught when i watch this serial drama just now
" Its very easy to find someone that u really like but its real hard to find that person to like you as well"
i really find it meaningful and i totally agreed with it.
but in this video there comes a part where by the guy wanted to date her out but because he hesitated, in the end he told he nearly lost her for life. So always go for it cos u never know when u are too late and if u never try, u never know.
Oops! that advice was meant for myself... haha
enough of expressing my thoughts, need to get back to my research le.