Fred flown in for documentary. (What?)
Dan drove in from Detroit.
Thor drove in from Allen, MI.
Painted fairly conventional graffiti-type stuff all this week before last. First time painting extensively with spraypaint in a long time. Thought I was really shitty at it until I remembered that Rustoleum paint has that spitty spray flow. After painting with Krylon I started to feel it again. I'm not too bad actually.
Painted a Three Hearts Club "reunion" wall with Dan, Fred, Kep & Thor. It felt like "us" versus Thor the whole time. Thor painted about nine pieces right on top of one another. Numbers 2 and 3 were amazing although of course they didn't go with what everyone else was painting at all. Took way too long to make it look like a semi-cohesive production. Nothing spectacular but it was fun anyway.
Got to see Mr. Ladd perform with the Majesticons, got stupid drunk with the crew, and stopped two separate crews of my friends from fighting with each other. I should've let Creature stomp Qwel though. He was being an egomaniacal little bitch. I can't stand rappers.
Then, over Memorial day weekend, got crazy painting with Mike G (detail above) at some old-school Chicago graf-writer's reunion wall. No mask, under exhuast filled viaduct on 59th street with 150 people spraying enamel at once. Almost passed out or vomited twice. Many distractions. I like parts of what we painted, but it wasn't too spectacular either.
I officially have no graffiti world enemies now. Nobody held onto any grudges at the gathering, or at least they resisted them.
Which reminds me of a grudge that I keep on having to resist.
There's a fellow who's famous in the urban art world, that when interviewed always neglects to mention me as an influence. I basically got him started on what he's famous for too. The exact quote, after his room-mate took slides of my artwork, and before he completely changed his drawing style to look like mine was, "Man, I don't see how you even think like that!"
What's up with that?
I give credit to people that I was inspired by, what's the big deal? And when I saw him getting his fame, I was chill with it...until I started reading all his interviews.
I'm just waiting for somebody to say to ask me if I'm influenced by him. That's what would make my ears get hot.
I guess I shouldn't even trip on him.
Yeah, whatever.
And no, I'm not telling who it is. It's therapeutic enough for me to just write this.
It's too bad I still have this "little graf kid that wants all his props" aspect to my personality. Maybe I was just surrounded by that vibe too much at that reunion wall.
Last week it felt like being a "graffiti artist" was my job.
Good job though I guess, if I can prevent stupid regressions in my maturity.
This past week, 5 day mosaic installation from hell. Yesterday, pulled 13 1/2 hour day of grouting this very textural mosaic. Just had to get it done so that I'd finally have a day to chill somewhat.
That day is today.
I'm supposed to install another mosaic but I spaced out and forgot to order the scaffolding. Oops...guess that's postponed till Tuesday.
So I'll draw the illustrations for YCA's new magazine instead.
I'm itching to get back to my own work, but gotta get things all situated here at the crib.
Lauren is a full-time resident now.
I'm loving it...even if it's just been seeing her for an hour a day and holding her while we sleep. Busy, very busy lately.
Just created a new photo-journal today, thanks to McGroarty's gift of a code.
Thank you!
I think I'm gonna have it linked from my site soon so non-LJ folks can check it out, but I'm not trying to open this one up like that yet. We'll see how long that lasts. Maybe I'll make this one friends only soon or something...
Here is the other journal.
Alrighty, I'm off to drink with some friends.