Goddess, I seem to be stealine a lot of quizzes lately.
You are Cleopatra
Beautiful and Charming. You are able to persuade anyone to do anything you would like, because of your hotness and charisma. You are an expert in gaining power over anyone you choose.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com You are 60% evil
You are very evil. You are fairly practical in your evil deeds and you probably wouldn’t do anything illegal. You are more inclined to not do anything when you see that something bad is about to happen. Think Seinfeld.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com You are Lord Voldemort
You want Harry dead, and you’ve decided that the best way to do that is to kill off all of Harry’s friends one by one, until he has no one left to protect him. But look out, because unlike you, Harry has the ability to love.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com Your personality is the proper, poised, and elegant
one. Yes, elegant. You were brought up right
and you plan to keep it that way. You,
rule-follower, are the most graceful of them
all. You plan to bring up your kids the way you
were, and believe me you have it in you. Loosen
up. You've got a great personality, which will
stay with you forever, but you can still try to
add to your figure. Although you have friends
that respect you, a family that is proud of
you, and are /content/, you are still seeking
more. You want not only to be respected, but to
be known as a great person, which you are. Just
show it to the world. Because you can!
What Kind of Person are You? [beautiful anime pics, and lengthy details, as usual!] brought to you by
Quizilla Quizzes I DIDN'T STEAL
You should have grown up during the twenties
You are cool, sophisticated and hip - even by today’s standards. You like things before they are considered cool, and you like them long afterwards.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com ...yeah.