Merry Christmas Bitches!

Dec 26, 2008 17:27

Evening all...i hope you had a good Christmas, mine was pretty chilled, with my mum, step-dad and bro. Got some nice presents...guns n roses tshirt and book! LOL my mum finally got it right this year and bought stuff i either needed, or wanted desperately.

I got the Dark Knight on dvd a well which i was totally stoked about. I spent most of my Christmas day sending bantering text messages to Mandy, talking about January mostly. Which is a big month for me.

My Grandma's operation, and the 5* madness, then rolling onto my treament in good times. I'm just trying to focus on D mostly, keeps my mind off all the shit stuff, like the fact i have to endure a day with my most hated family members tomorrow. Golden balls and the DEVIL...on the other hand if i get fed up i can go to my grandmothers, or sit writing my fanfic (yes i've started writing again!) its good so far, i'm just waiting to get to the sexy bit LMAO

Anyway bring shit on, have a great holiday.

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