Jan 08, 2008 22:17
As a good American, I felt it encumbent upon me to explain how I would vote in Presidential elections (at least in the Primaries stage).
1. I never vote for the candidate of "change." Change is scary. I prefer the status quo. [On a related note, it was decided this week at work, that if I had been alive during the Revolutionary War, I would probably have supported the Crown.]
2. I never vote for the really young candidate. (This includes those that only appear to be young, John Edwards). I just never really liked anyone from law school who were of the "run for office before I'm 30" ilk.
3. I never vote for the really old candidate. Unless that candidate was a motion picture star in the mid 20th century. I figure, if they had a lifetime's worth of wisdom, they would have run earlier. And there's always the chance they will run for president way too slow with their blinker on. We can't have that.
So with that said, that probably rules out everyone. So I start over.
I think the best thing is to hope that the guys/gal who actually mean what they are saying, win. In my opinion, on the Democrat side, Barack Obama is the true believer amongst a field of politicians. And on the Republican side, among the viable candidates, Mike Huckabee and John McCain are probably the true believers. But as McCain's beliefs aren't really Republican - then I go with Huckabee.
So I'm going to be hoping for a Mike "I Heart" Huckabee vs. Barack "I've got a crush on" Obama, general election.
And then, the country can have a real debate to decide its future. Plus, I think as long as Obama wins on the Democrat side, the Republicans will win the general election.
Of course, Obama will win in 2012, ushering in the End of Days, as per my Easter Weekend dream of 2004.