hicks unite!

Jul 18, 2006 10:54


What an eventful trip to good ol' Buffalo. I should definitely make a movie about that place. Talk about brash American pride. There was a freakin' American flag on every single light post, and they were spaced like, 5 meters away from each other. So that's a lot of light posts. Justin and I were trying to figure out how people who actually lived in Buffalo got around. There was no public transportation and everything was spaced out. The observations we made were quite interesting as well. It seems that most Americans are really ugly but when you come across a really good-looking one, they're amazingly good-looking. And they're all either really skinny or really fat. Auy vey.
But apart from our speculations, we had quite a successful shopping trip. Didn't have much money but I was satisfied with my purchases.

All-in-all, it was a jolly trip to good ol' Buffalo.
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