Is it possible to write WHILE reading....?

Feb 19, 2010 22:36

Quick post to say I am still alive. I have finally caught up on fic from last weekend, ha ha. Seriously, guys - SLOW DOWN WITH THAT SHIT! fucking prolific writers, grumble grumble. Although, if you are writing stuff like this, I demand that you quit your jobs and dedicate your life to writing more :-D Which is exactly what I wish I could do. It's so frustrating to only be able to write a little each day and to have so many things in my head that want to come out! Argh. That said, I am hoping HOPING to post a Pinto fic by the end of the weekend. But it needs some serious polishing, and I am trying to do things like pay attention to my husband, so... I need another fucking snow day(s)! But, I promise to try to finish! Fuck it, I'll lose sleep to do so if I have to (I won't tell you how many times this week I forgot to finish my lunch/dinner because I was reading fic...don't worry, I ate a lot of ice cream to make up for cream....)

Oh, and also, LJ isn't sending me notifications of any responses to least, I assume that's the case, unless everyone simultaneously decided not to respond to comments on fic, which I highly doubt. It's so sad to wake up to an empty email box!

I also have other posts of awesomeness that I want to post - picspams and the like. Just letting you know so you stick around. I will be entertaining, I promise!

See, look, here's a little something to tide you over.

ramblings, picspam

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