Movie Monday

Dec 30, 2009 22:07

So there is a venue in Philadelphia called The Troc, and every Monday night they show a movie. It's great because it's $3 to get in and that goes toward a drink. There's a bar, and they show newish movies (or sometimes older movies that are good), and they sometimes have raffles, costume contests, etc.

Last week we went and saw Inglourious Basterds, which I had really wanted to see, so I was so glad to see it on a "big screen". Needless to say, I really loved the movie and I had heard/read all the hype about Eli Roth and...yeah...well...he's basically Zachary Quinto, so obviously I found him hot and kickass and all that jazz.

This week they showed The Hangover, and even though we rented it last week, we really wanted to see it again and thought it would be fun to see in a crowd/theater setting with a bunch of drunk people. Which it was. That movie is freaking hilarious and I am kind of in love with Bradley Cooper:

Even though I'm still mad at him for being a jerk in Wedding Crashers:

I have about a million favorite parts of the movie, but this one is way up there:

image Click to view

That said, I highly recommend both of these movies, but then again, I'm no critic :-D

movies, eli roth

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