Aug 18, 2005 23:15
More Than Medium
"Pristinely recorded at the Blasting Room in Fort Collins, More Than Medium's eponymous debut is as polished and by-the-numbers radio-friendly as it gets. If ever there was a forumla for igniting a heated Love affair with broadcasters, this quartet has followed it down to the letter. In the span of three songs that have a running time of just under twelve minutes, More Than Medium makes a strong case for why it should be considered as a contender for Denver's next breakthrough mainstream act. Fans of straightahead, guitar driven rock in the vein of Default and Nickelback will instantly recognize and embrace the patented ebb-and-flow dynamic of those bands on (More Than) Medium, where subdued verses bookend exploding choruses built upon gigantic hooks while ascending/descending octave chods bridge the ends together. There's a distinct line between those who find alt-rock anthemic and those who consider it anemic. Regardless of which side you fall on, Medium more than lives up to its name on this disc." -Westword (Dave Herrera - August 18th, 2005)