Since kitty has had a troubled tummy for some time, I'm now cooking her food myself. I noticed that I was nearing the end of the batch, so I went to City Gross today after school to buy more chicken innards, so I could make up a new batch that will last over my trip. Woe, for City Gross was all out of every single scrap of chicken innards! I was looking for stomachs, hearts and liver (and some plain chicken mince), and the shelf where those things are found was gaping bare. This means I'll have to go there tomorrow evening after school when they've had a new delivery, and spend tomorrow night cooking cat food, when I was really intending to start packing. (Luckily the cat food I have left will last over tomorrow.)
Which means I'll have to wait until Wednesday morning for currency exchange and stuff like that. Because on Wednesday afternoon, I'll be flying to Manchester, where I'll meet up with
snowgrouse, and we'll go on to Sheffield of all places to see Mr. Simm do the Troubled Danish Prince. My neighbours will be looking after Rosa. How will she manage for two days without me? More to the point, how will I manage for two days without her? MAH ROSIE-NOSE.
On a lighter note, I got a postcard from Beleriand today, sent by Ruby Gamgee. :D
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