I just want to say something about oppression. Several people on my flist have been commenting on and referring to the big Race Fail of '09, so I've been thinking a bit about it lately. This is based on a comment I originally made to a very interesting post by
Cut for a very long rant about opression and the part we all play in it )
Well, we are all fallible. :) And it *is* easy to get stuck in the perception that you are constantly being victimized. Consciousness-raising is a difficult and often quite painful process and if you aren't careful (and if you stop halfway through) it can make you very, very angry and cloud your judgement. I've known women who have forsworn male society completely because they can't deal with it anymore. I've seen girls going around saying "kill all men", because their anger is overpowering their judgement. I've heard otherwise intelligent women say (more or less) that that little boys should be punished for the crimes of the Patriarchal society. (Most of these women followed the version of Feminism that believes that women are conditioned into their roles as oppressed, that gender is a construct and that no woman is genetically predestined to being subjected to men. A surprising number of them failed to recognize that the same must, if so, be true for men as well, that no man is genetically predestined to be an oppressor. Men are just as conditioned into their roles as women are, and must be assumed to be basically good.)
Not to mention the majority of women who refuse to even begin to raise their consciousness, because it's too frightening. The way I see it, all those people are still stuck in the system of oppression and in victim roles. It's sad and often quite frustrating, but it's still proof of the damage that oppression can do to people. I can say these things about other women because I'm a woman. If I were a man, I'd have to be much more careful how I put my words.
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