Nov 30, 2007 12:22
My bank has be installing a new system, including a new internet bank. They were supposed to do it over last weekend, and services were supposed to be up and running by Monday. All customers had advance warning that services would be unavailable or reduced during those couple of days.
Yeah, you noticed the 'supposed to' in those sentences, didn't you? We didn't get our new internet bank until this morning. That's a week of no internet bank. (Yes, they did set up a temporary service for paying bills, but no other tasks could be handled there.) One would have thought that doing this upgrade right before the end of the month could be considered to be a slightly stupid plan. But I suppose even special people need to have jobs in vital social services.
This morning, yay! There is once more an internet bank. Although still with somewhat reduced services. But as I read the new information, I notice, in their Q&A section, the question "Why can't I access my internet bank?", and the following answer: "You are probably using Windows 98, Windows 2000 or Windows Millennium, and the Internet Explorer browser. Please download and install the Firefox browser."
MWAHAHAH. The bank is dissing Microsoft. This kind of warms my heart a bit.
the world