short preview for chapter 4

Oct 15, 2010 07:31


Eliza stood outside of Professor Edelstein's office. The hallway was deserted, the practice rooms were full, and she could hear the beginning measures of a Strauss waltz playing in some far-off room. She arrived as early as 2:45 PM and spent ten minutes wandering throughout the building, observing classrooms through the door's window as she walked past.

And here she was, 2:55 PM, right outside his room. The waltz had picked up in tempo and Elizaveta could not resist the urge to dance. She hummed along, leading an invisible partner in a circle around the hallway. Closing her eyes, Lizzie envisioned a ballroom from the 1800s, full of women in lavish gowns and men who wore cravats. She always had a thing for a man with a cravat.

Roderich Edelstein stepped outside of his office, having grown impatient since he did not hear her knock at the door. He eyed her figure, hips swaying in time, moving gracefully in a small circle in front of him.

As the waltz came to an end, Eliza stopped, drawing her arms close to her torso and sighing wistfully; she imagined that it was Professor Edelstein who was leading her all along.

"You're quite skilled at leading," he said, interrupting her fantasy.

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