And here's another preview for "Song in D Minor" <3

Sep 24, 2010 06:22

‘No, I must not fall in love with my music professor, I must not fall in love with my music professor, I must not f-‘

“Miss Elizaveta? Is something wrong? Young ladies should not be in the practice rooms this late at night.”

It was Herr Edelstein.

She looked up at him from her place on the floor. He was visible through the little window that the door had and a worried look was apparent on his face. She was trying to pour her heart out over the piano. But it seemed like tonight was just one of those nights, so she gave up and was currently lying down on the floor. It was 9:10 PM when she had last checked her phone, which meant she still had 20 minutes till she had to leave.

And she just realized that he could probably see up her skirt.

He quickly turned away. So he did see up her skirt. ‘Good job, Liz. Now he probably thinks you’re a slut.’

“I-I would appreciate it if you would come out once you’re ready so that I may accompany you to your car. I have..heard rumors of some delinquents prowling the campus grounds in order to attack the female students and I will not have you walking around by yourself at these hours.”

In the time that it took him to regain his composure, Elizaveta had already stood up, gathered her things, pulled her skirt down-

‘Or maybe…’

She made sure her skirt’s length hit the middle of her thighs before quietly opening the door while he rambled on.

“Herr Edelstein?” She called out to him in a sweet tone of voice.
“Oh good, you’re….Mein Gott.”

His eyes immediately traveled down to her legs. He could feel his blood boil underneath his skin and felt a warm feeling suddenly begin to pool in the center of his being.

‘No Roderich, you will NOT do this. She is your student. She is your student, she is-‘

“Shall we get going?” Elizaveta could not help but enjoy the way his ears turned a bright shade of red.

“…yes.” He extended his arm towards her and they began their walk out of the music building.

roderich edelstein, fanfiction, elizaveta hedervary, axis powers hetalia, hetalia, austria, aph, hungary

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