[Friday... Fifteen?] Just go with it.

Jul 25, 2008 21:20

Pick and choose five, or ten, or fifteen.  Add your own.  It's a free for all, ladies, or at least a buffet.

1.  What qualities do you desire most in a friend?

2.  You're obviously on a social networking website.  What kind of connections and contacts are you hoping to forge here?

3.  In times of distress, what is your best asset or personality trait?

4.  When you are unhappy, what is the best way to help you?

5.  What kind of social gatherings do you like?

6.  What's the last game you played and enjoyed, and why?

7.  Do you prefer to watch the movie, read the book, or both? And in what order?

8.  Do you think you'll make it to age 80?  What will it be like?

9.  What is a great source of excitement in your life right now?

10.  What's the last song stuck in your head?

11.  What's the last white lie you told?

12.  What's the personal code you live by, if any?

13.  Would you change the world, or live and let live?

14.  Are you more interested in meeting people similar to you, or different?

15.  What are you going to do after clicking post?

activity, friday five

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