Feb 15, 2012 20:23
If you are a fan on The Big Bang Theory consider the following: each remaining GOP presidential candidate is analogous to a character from the show. Gingrich is Wolowitz because he will awkwardly try to sleep with anything that moves and holds himself out as any man's intellectual equal despite having no credentials. Santorum is Raj because he wears a sweater vest and is incapable of having a normal conversation with/about women. Ron Paul is Sheldon because his consistency and open disdain for his fellow candidates are a cross between neurosis and narcissistic personality disorder and he is the only candidate who openly flaunts having an advanced degree. Romney is Leonard because even though he is not as strange as the others it is obvious every time he talks that he has no grasp of how normal people relate to each other, he talks himself into corners ,and it hurts his relationship with voters. Penny is of course the average American voter as she comes from the middle of the country, is of average intelligence, and finds her dreams subject to and exploited by Hollywood. As a result, I now consider all debates bonus episodes.