Sep 25, 2007 03:05

Since early last year, I've had a Motorola E380. Tim had one first, and I got one through eBay so we'd match. The E380 was a fairly obscure model, showing up mostly in Latin America, and hardly in the U.S. at all. I believe it was already discontinued by the time I got it, which is an unenviable circumstance for any cell phone. But in spite of this, it was cute. I liked features such as the flashing rainbow lights (which led to Tim and I calling it "the Homophone"). And it was a tough little cookie, considering that mine once survived a run through the washer and dryer.

But lately, it was starting to show its age. Sometimes, it would shut off at random. Its battery was staying charged for shorter and shorter durations. Corners were starting to get nicked off of it. And the proliferation of newer phones on the market was becoming undeniable. Phones that could take pictures. And do the Bluetooth... you've gotta have the Bluetooth, you know. And play ringtones from MP3s. And actually connect to T-Mobile's T-Zones and download some new games instead of being stuck with that insipid soccer demo. Yes. I was ready for something new.

So on Saturday, I bought a new Motorola RIZR Z3.

The following pictures were all taken by its camera...

First light


Shopping finds:

The 50th lizard of the weekend

The road home

By Monday morning, I had downloaded Space Invaders (other games will follow, like Centipede, QBert, etc., but I've promised myself not to buy more than one per month), and the Chemical Brothers' "Galvanize" was my ringtone.
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