Feb 06, 2007 17:34
World Domination Status: ....blood on white tights = bad. Blood on new white tights = bad x2. Thank Fred for tampons! :D
The AP got off the phone with my aunt yesterday and promptly informed me that said aunt is worried because I'm not dating (read: have never dated. At all. in my life). She's concerned that I'm "being too protective" of myself or something. To which both Mandy and the AP say, "PSH!"
These days, it's not so much that I don't want to date as that I've no idea how to go about it. In my life, I've been asked out all of three times (four if you count Chris, who was pressured into it by a mutual friend, and a whole bunch more if you count all the different times Derrick asked, but I'm rolling those into one), and none of the guys who've asked me out are really people I'm interested in dating. I know that it's alright for me to ask people out, it being the twenty-first century and all, but I'm really, really shy around people I don't know really well. And awkward. And constantly freaking out over what I said, should say, might say, whatever. It can be very stressful for me to talk to strangers - when I go in to see a guidance counselor, unless it's for a quick, "I want to add this class," I will get choked up and my eyes will get watery. It's an automatic response, probably left over from elementary school, when I used to break into tears when I felt upset or uncomfortable. Pretty much, me asking someone else out is just not going to happen, unless I've known that person for several years first.
...and don't get me started on the complications of asking out girls, because that's almost harder, in so many ways.
Really, I think my aunt is just worried because every one of my mom's sisters has at least one (usually more) child married off or engaged-soon-to-be-married. My brother and I are the hold-outs, and apparently I'm the best bet for when it comes to having a relationship (understandable if you know anything about my brother). And, as the youngest (excluding Mariska, who is pretty much viewed as a different generation, she was born so much later than the rest of us), I'm also the only one who has never had any form of long-term relationship of the romantical nature. Le sigh.
Relatives. Go figure.