World Domination Status: So I had a really long one of these typed up on Monday, and I kept on not using it and having the lj-autosave save it, only I forgot to let it stick around long enough to save last time, so now it's gone. When I rule the world, there will not be problems like that. Yes.
My uncle died last Monday, early in the morning. I'm told they took him off life support on Sunday night, and that they were in the middle of changing the morphine drip, Tears of Heaven playing on the iPod-hooked-up-to-speakers that my aunt had set up, when he cried a single tear, and then expired. Very touching, kinda freaky, but a peaceful death. That was nice for my aunt, as she was afraid it'd be something long and drawn-out and painful for him. So, yeah. Memorial service was yesterday and I fell asleep for part of that, but I'm blaming that on a) the fac that I had a headache and so had my head on the AP's shoulder, and b) I forgot to take my meds yesterday, so yeah (meds are A.D.D. medication that has side effects like insomnia and appetite suppression, as well as an iron supplement I take to help combat anemia). There were ginger snaps and raspberries afterwards, and that was good.
Am thinking of saying the heck with it and not waiting to get ten inches of hair whacked off for
Locks of Love, because the frizzy chemo hair is driving me nuts, and I can't wear it in buns all the time. Also, aunt who is a former beautician is in town from the Netherlands for funeral, so can thus avoid the salon this way. Mandy hates salons with a deep passion. Yes.
In other, completely unrelated to family, news, I fear that Gregory has gone the way of Carrot II, and become possessed. Though he continues to work quite well (despite having been in backpack when backpack fell off bus bench last fall, and also being knocked around while travelling to east coast last spring), he is now attempting to randomly eject CDs that aren't in him. Why oh why must my laptops do this to me? LE SIGH. Gregory, m'dear, you're only two years old - you're too young to be ejecting phantom CDs!
Bah, I suppose I must call Apple Care. Or go to a Genius Bar. Le sigh.