World Domination Status: Mmm... dark chocolate with toffee and almonds... ::drools::
fireball_says is looking for a boyfriend and posted an application for any hopeful wannabes to fill out the other day. Since I'm weird and strange, etc., I went and filled it out as well. After all, she calls me "oh best beloved" - I figured it was only logical for me to do this :)
Boyfriend Girlfriend Application
1. Name: Mandy
2. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy): 08/19/1984
3. Email: manda_hunter @
4. AIM Screenname: theropicus
5. Location: LA
6. Website:
Hunter's Glade7. Height: 5'4"
8. Hair color: dark brown, currently orange
9. Eye color: blue
10. Smoke? (yes/no/sometimes)
11. Drink? (yes/no/sometimes)
12. Drugs? (yes/no/sometimes)
12a. If yes, please elaborate? Though very nasty, they're all prescription, oh best beloved
13. Any tattoos or piercings? (yes/no)
13a. If yes to the above, what and where (if you are planning on getting tatted/pierced, go ahead and describe what you plan on getting)? Just the regular one hole in each ear lobe.
14. Do you cry at sad movies? (yes/no/depends on the movie)
14a. Would you make fun of me if I did? Er... depends on the movie...? ^^;;
15. Are you (outgoing/shy) Sorry, it's both, really - depends on who I'm with
16. Are you (pessimistic/optimistic/realistic) I'm a realist with an oddball sense of humor
17. Are you (realistic/superficial)
18. Do you have an accent? (yes/no)
18a. If so, what kind? Technically, all people have accents. I, for example, have a southern California accent - so I sound like most everyone in the movies -.-;
19. Do you dance? (yes/no/freaky!/only when under duress)
20. Do you get jealous easily? (yes/no)
21. Who was your favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
a. Leonardo; "Leo"
b. Donatello; "Donny"
c. Raphael; "Raph"
d. Michaelangelo; "Mikey"
22. Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
a. Dog
b. Cat
c. Other
d. None of the above
23. Are you religious?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe?
d. I prefer to call myself "spiritual", not "religious"
e. I'm in a cult yay!
24. Say you're playing Oregon Trail. If the river is 5 feet deep, what do you do?
a. Try and ford the river.
b. Caulk the wagon and float it across.
c. Take a ferry across/hire an Indian to help.
d. Wait and see if conditions improve.
e. What the hell are we talking about here?
25. Are you yourself looking for a girlfriend right now?
a. Yes, that's why I'm filling this out.
b. Maybe, not really sure.
c. No, I'm taken, I'm just filling this out to pass the time.
d. None of the above.
26. Do you like storms?
a. Hecks yes!
b. Hells no!
c. They're okay.
d. Seeing as I practically never go outside, weather has no immediate affect on my life.
27. Shallow, but... what kind of shape are you in?
a. In shape. Round's a shape.
b. I don't really work out, but I'm still pretty shapely.
c. I'm pretty fit.
d. I'm very fit.
28. Disney. Your thoughts?
a. I loved Disney movies when I was growing up!
b. I seriously want to move to Disneyland.
c. I don't care/not my favorite.
d. Corporate money grubbers, out to rule the world...
29. Sappy chick flicks. Your thoughts?
a. I'm not gonna lie, I loved "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days"
b. Um, only when balanced out with a good action/horror/(insert stereotypical manly movie genre here) movie.
c. No way in H-E-double hockey stick.
d. Noooooo comment.
e. Have never seen "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" but I like chick flicks
30. How important is hygiene to you?
a. I brush my teeth multiple times a day, and I shower every day.
b. I brush my teeth every day and shower at least every other day.
c. I brush teeth and shower as needed.
d. Dude! That's what breath mints and cologne are for!
31. How do you feel about spelling and grammar?
a. I think spelling and grammar are very important, and I adhere to it as much as possible!
b. It's cool... I guess? I use punctuation and I try to spell correctly, but I don't often make the effort
c. I really only double-check my grammar when writing papers or important emails and stuff.
d. dood wutz speling and gramer gots to do wit dis?
32. How do you feel about R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet"?
a. It's a masterpiece, a real work of art.
b. Eh, it's all right.
c. It's good... for making fun of.
d. I have no idea what you're talking about here.
33. What is your favorite kind of animal? Why?
Bats. Because they eat mosquitos, are the only mammals that fly, and are very cool just all around.
34. How is your relationship with your mother?
I get along really, really well with my mom - and I'm not afraid to be seen in public with her! ^^
35. What do you think is your biggest flaw?
I procrastinate too much, putting important things off until the last minute while wasting my time on pointless activities that aren't that important in the long run -.-;;
36. What is your biggest fear?
...I have no idea. I used to have nightmares where I was being chased and I had no shoes on - does that count?
37. What do you think is your best asset?
I make people laugh with my goofiness ;)
38. Please describe your ideal date.
...I'm sorry, but I can't even think of anything for an ideal date, possibly because I've never been on a date before myself.
39. What are some of your favorite movies? Why?
The Princess Bride, because it always makes me laugh and it has the sappy chick flick thing going on as well. Goonies, because it makes me laugh and that's how kids are. Afterlife, because it's poignant and thought-provoking, despite the fact that it has a very simple set and very few fancy effects.
40. Who are some of your favorite musicians? Why?
Hmm... I don't really have favorite musicians. I have musicians that I listen to a lot, but they're not exactly favorites - my scope of music is pretty limited because I don't listen to the radio or anything and the only way I'm exposed to new artists is through my friends. I do enjoy Dido, because I like the tone of her songs, lyrics and music, and most of her stuff I can easily sing along with. I like Liz Phair, because nearly all her songs have a strong beat, which is something I'm looking for a lot of the time. I also like Lorenna McKennitt and Sarah McLachlan, because it is Pretty Music. I like a lot of classical stuff as well, though I've never sat down and figured out whether there are any specific composers that I like more than others -.-;;
41. What are some of your favorite books? Why?
The Dark is Rising, because I love the series and it has everything I've always loved in young adult books - a magical identity, good against evil, and friendship in unexpected places. Doomsday Book, which triggered my interest in the Black Death and helped inspire me to become a history major. The Door Into Summer, because it makes you think about life and the difference between the past and the future, to say nothing of the generation gap.
42. Do you like video games? If so, what is your favorite system? What are your favorite games on that system? What are some of your favorite games on other systems?
Er. I enjoy playing video games, and have a PS1 and a Gameboy Color, but I don't use them all that often. I enjoyed Kingdom Hearts and those the Final Fantasy games that I've played because they have interesting stories and pretty graphics... Tetris is my crack.
43. Why would you consider being my boyfriend girlfriend?
Because, oh best beloved, I have such a wonderful time when I'm chatting with you and you never fail to make me smile. Even though you come across as being a lot smarter than me, it doesn't matter to me and we still connect on a number of levels. You are, to put it simply, the Pimento to my Gillichu ;)
44. What are three things you value most in a friend?
Wit, intelligence, and understanding :)
45. How would your best friend honestly describe you?
Er. I don't know. Me, I would describe myself as a realistic, somewhat-immature, slightly cynical and very silly person. I can be judgmental of other people, but I try to hear them out and not automatically presume that they're wrong just because they don't have the same opinion as me. Except for my brother, who's wrong no matter what xD
46. What are your future plans?
Ideally, I'd love to be paid to do research on the Black Death and other parts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. I'd also like to someday publish a fiction book, but I don't think it's very likely, as I don't write that much original stuff :(
47. Have you got any weird talents?
I can perfectly imitate the Jar jar Binks' voice. No, really - I swear it's true!
48. What do you look for in a girl?
Hmm... I don't actively go looking for people to date, so this is a bit hard for me. I suppose I look for a good sense of humor, intelligence, and a kind of wacky-yet-easy-going attitude. Pretty much, I go for sexy minds. Physical attractiveness is something that factors in at some point, I suppose, but I don't generally notice what the people I spend a lot of time with look like.
49. What is something you would do to impress me, or make my heart go all of a flutter?
I would write you a story~
50. What was your best subject in school, academic-wise?
Er. I did quite well in art...? Actually, in non-art classes my grades fluctuated in such a way that I was pretty much the same in all my classes. I might of done a little bit better in history and English than my other subjects, but I don't remember at this point.
51. What's the best prank you have ever pulled?
...I've never really done pranks -.-; If pressed to pick something, I'd probably say the time that I pretended to be Jean on her AIM SN and the mutual friend I was chatting with didn't even realize it wasn't her for a good 10, 15 minutes xD
52. Define success.
Success is reaching and fulfilling a goal that you've set for yourself and feeling proud of and happy for yourself for having been able to do so.
53. Have you ever been convicted of a crime by civil or military courts? No.
53a. If so, what was the nature of the offense?
53b. Date of conviction?
53c. Location where convicted?
53d. Disposition (sentence, probation, etc.)?
54. Are you an educated individual? Yep!
54a. What is your highest degree? High school diploma at this point.
54b. What high school did/do you attend? CCHS, my local public high school
54c. What college or university did/do you attend? University of California, Los Angeles
54d. What graduate school did/do you attend? n/a
54e. What was your major(s), minor(s), concentration(s)? History, with a focus on the Middle Ages and Renaissance
54f. What was your Grade Point Average? For you, I look it up - overall GPA is currently at 3.32. It was 3.6 or 4.0 in high school, I think...
55. What skills do you possess that would be good to use in a relationship, romantic or otherwise?
I'm a good listener
56. Please include two references. References may be family members, close friends, roommates, teachers, employers, etc. Please include their name, contact information (email, IM screenname, or phone number) and their relationship to you.
bluejeans07: best friend since age of... I have no idea. Five? Six? Something like that.
jedilora: close friend since age of nine :)
57. Have you ever been married? No
57a. If so, are you now widowed, separated, or divorced? Please explain.
58. Have you ever asked me out before? Er.... no, but we've had Online Flirtations xD
59. How many ex-girlfriends/boyfriends have you had? Zer-o
60. How long ago was your last relationship? n/a
60a. Start and end dates?
60b. Reason for separation?
61. What was your longest relationship? n/a
You would describe yourself as:
x honest
x moral
x fun
x humorous
x mature occasionally. Sometimes I'm very immature
x sweet
x quiet/shy
x goofy
x healthy
x considerate
x witty
x expressive
Ack, all this and I have to do more?! Huh, I'm awful at love letters - I'll give you Pimichu instead:
Though she tries, she finds it difficult to explain magic to her parents. They understand that she goes to school and her lessons aren't the usual ones, but they don't understand that she changes beetles into buttons. They don't wish to understand.
He's different, even though he in turn doesn't understand the world of her childhood. That's what he does, she thinks - he listens to people with a strange sort of patience and he accepts all that they tell him. Like Hannah, Pimento gradually realizes that, for all his strangeness, Gillichu's gift is the ability to make people feel normal.
Hmm... Nothing I can think of. I spend a lot of my free time reading, writing, and drawing. Sometimes I even draw comics and put them on my web site, but I tend to be very slow when it comes to working on those, as I'm easily distracted by shiny objects ^^; And.... I think that's it for now. You can ask me stuff if you want to know more, I suppose :)