I don't usually AIM, but I happened to be on tonight and chatted with Jean. Wackiness ensued. Beware spoilers for Harry Potter book 6!
zelko07: Yay, you're online~
zelko07: I'm slowly getting my friend Lily into Harry Potter >=d
zelko07: >=D
theropicus: Heh. I was holding a reaaaaaally long conversation with someone in the comments of my lj and she finally just switched to AIM by snitching my name from my info ^^;
zelko07: LOL!!!
theropicus: excelllllent... XD
zelko07: I'm lending her my copy of Sorcerer's Stone although I wrote all over it XD
theropicus: You should check out the conversation. It was this Puff from HiH who wanted to trade me a *blanket* for a picture of myself
theropicus: You *wrote* on your copy of SS?! Sacrilige! Thou musn't write on books!!
zelko07: LOL
zelko07: zelko07: It was for a class
zelko07: I had Children's Literature at my school and my teacher really encouraged writing on our books
theropicus: Right, you had that children's lit class. Okay, I suppose that's all right
zelko07: he found my comments... interesting because I treated it like how we write to eachother in our fanfics XD
theropicus: ::remembers Jeanie talking about explaining fanfic::
theropicus: coolness! I can see it now.
theropicus: "C'mon, Jo. It's not like we're actually going to believe Snape's the bad guy."
zelko07: LOL!!!!
theropicus: "SQUEE! Harry! OMG, so cute!!" ::little drawing of Harry!chibi::
zelko07: I was reading over what I wrote in the book... and one of them was in response to a sentance that ended in, "...like trodding over a mouse" or something and I wrote, "POOR MOUSE!"
theropicus: XD
theropicus: Poifect.
theropicus: Just... poifect.
theropicus: Forbidden Forest detention scene, Mandy's copy: "O.O OH MY GOD!! SHE KILLED UNICO!! The bitch!"
zelko07: ROFL
theropicus: C'mon, you can see it too XD
zelko07: Yeah I can
theropicus: It's so true.
zelko07: At various parts, I wrote, "DUN DUN DUUUN!!!"
theropicus: So, check this out. This girl I was chatting with asked me who I thought RAB was, and I said...
theropicus: (dude, I write the same thing all the time in the margins of fics. or at least I would if I could do that on the computer) "Duh. R.A.B. = 'Rapping African Brother'"
zelko07: ROFLMAO
zelko07: that's great
zelko07: it's even better if she took it seriously
theropicus: I know :D I'm very proud of myself.
zelko07: So does that = Kingsley? XD
theropicus: She didn't, I said I was kidding after that, and put forth the Regulus
theropicus: ...
zelko07: *pictures Kingsley with big gold chains*
zelko07: Kingsley with bling.
zelko07: *dying*
theropicus: OMG! HE KILLED KINGSLEY!! THE BASTARD!!!!! ANAKIN MUST DIE!!!!!!!111!!!111!!
theropicus: (it had to be said)
zelko07: I KNOW
zelko07: *pictures Kingsley with big gold chains and Jedi robeS*
theropicus: She says to Mandy's Regulus answer: "watch it not be Regulus and it be some long lost half brother of Harry's second cousin twice removed on his father's side who use to date Hermione's mom."
zelko07: LOL!!!!!
theropicus: To which Mandy says: NO WAY!!!1!111!!!!1! Its soooo Harrys long-lost twin sister whos got platinum blonde hair that shines like the son and deep, soulfull green eyes that are greener than the greenest forest. And deap. Shes goin to kill voldemort and marry harry cuz shes actually his ADOPTED twin, like DUH. And Mark evans is her father. Yeah. ....or not :D Oh my god, I sincerely hope not O.o
theropicus: Her response? Voilá: to Jo Rowling if you're reading this. please don't use our ideas. it's late and we're nuts. obviously.
theropicus: (Looks it over and realizes that, damn - she forgot that RAB is supposed to marry Draco, not Harry, and she's also going to bring Dumbledore back to life.)
zelko07: hahahahaha
theropicus: (Or maybe Draco & Harry are supposed to duel for RAB's affections? Hmm.... It shall be EPIC!! (one))
zelko07: And then Sirius Black comes back
zelko07: and boinks Remus on the side
theropicus: Dude, YES!
theropicus: Sirius/Remus 4ever!!!
zelko07: Although Ronks is cute XD
theropicus: (but after Remus knocks Tonks up, she becomes angsty and depressed b/c he then leaves her for ressurected Sirius, but is comforted by Bill, who broke up with Fleur 'cause she was cheating with Kingsley)
theropicus: (who has a secret mancrush on the Weasley twins)
zelko07: LOL
zelko07: and the Weasley twins just bang everything
theropicus: With sticks. Wooden ones.
theropicus: That are point-ed.
theropicus: XD
zelko07: And sparkly electric green dildos
zelko07: just cuz it makes funny WOOSH noises
theropicus: Ewwww.... you said "dildos" :P
zelko07: sorry, mind in gutter
theropicus: (...it does?)
zelko07: I don't know, I'm just saying stuff because I've had two cups of ice coffeee
theropicus: No kidding! Bad Jean! No manga.
zelko07: LOL
theropicus: -.-;; Caffeine. It figures.
zelko07: I borrowed two volumes of FY from the library, bad me
zelko07: LOL I need a screenname that says mollywobbles
theropicus: FY. Wow. That really takes me back.... ::is nostalgic::
zelko07: I know, I saw it and went *tear* NOSTALGIAAA
theropicus: 10 to 1 it's already been taken by someone.
zelko07: probably
theropicus: Like when I saw the NO DAAAA license plate at school. WAH~! Nostalgia...
theropicus: No doubt.
zelko07: LOL OMG that's so cool
theropicus: I had no camera :(
zelko07: It's the volume where Nuriko dies! I went *tear* NURI-CHAAAAN!
zelko07: and find places where Watase's art went wrong =*(
theropicus: So, apparently I'm earning a reputation for being "super nice," 'cause I'm doing these pictures for everyone...
zelko07: she makes her heads REALLY REALLY BIG
theropicus: I never saw those episodes!!! ARG. I KEEL YOU. WITH SOME KIND OF BLUNT GARDENING INSTRUMENT.
theropicus: Watase can't draw sideviews of heads worth a damn. Her noses are always wonky for some reason :\
zelko07: I'll bring it 'em XD
theropicus: Yes, and CLAMP makes shoulders really, really wide and legs really really long
theropicus: YEAH
...bring what to who? ::is suddenly lost::
zelko07: But Clamp's consistent when it comes to forshoretening, they can do all that stuff. Watase forgets the rules >=(
zelko07: Oops sorry, I meant I'll bring the FY volumes
theropicus: Yep. (suddenly remembers stick chick) STICK CHICK!! NINJA DUDE!! WHERE ART THOU?!
theropicus: Dude, you totally still have my Mermaid's Saga #1
zelko07: LOL she never finished them
zelko07: Yeah, it's at CC
theropicus: I know, you told me T.T
zelko07: We can get it for you tomorrow
theropicus: I want to read more of that girl from another world one
theropicus: the one w/ the hot guy!!
zelko07: LOL uhhh more FY??? XD
theropicus: Yay, manganess!! (Tsubasa 5 = roxors)
zelko07: OHOH Far Far away
zelko07: I can bring that
theropicus: YES.
theropicus: FFA = tehgreat
zelko07: I think my friends still have one of the volumes, I'll go get it from them tomorrow and drop off Sorcerer's Stone
theropicus: ::worships Jean:: I'll never get anything done this weekend :D
theropicus: ARG. ::KEELS JEAN'S FRIEND::
zelko07: Mwa ha ha, so my friend Paff is very interested in the character of Luna XD
zelko07: Dood, I'm getting it back for you O_O
theropicus: Luna = Mandy
theropicus: Sorry, didn't catch that right away ::takes back the KEELing ^^::
theropicus: Luna = insert of Mandy by JKR without her even knowing it! Wow, so cool ^___^
zelko07: She seemed to like my description of, "Well, Luna= my friend Mandy. She wears radish earrings, a necklace made out of corks and has a hat with a lion on that roars and spits out red roses that she wears to Quidditch matches."
theropicus: Exactly! I do all of that :D
zelko07: Yes you do
theropicus: (it's so true ^^)
theropicus: Only the earrings are carrots, not radishes, I put bats on my head, not lions, and wear shoes around my neck. Other than that, exactly the same. ::nods::
zelko07: LOL
zelko07: pretty much
zelko07: Snarky Ginny= me when I'm PMSing
theropicus: (Which of course means I get to shack up with NEVILLE. YAY.)
theropicus: :( I started the other day, after cramping for 2 days, one free day, and then BAM, right in the middle of breakfast >:(
theropicus: (Arg. Smilies of DOOOOM.)
zelko07: Awww =(
theropicus: ...for the sake of the prophecy.
zelko07: LOL
zelko07: yes.
theropicus: Vision test for Mandy on Tuesday. Time to find out whether her constant headaches = she needs a new prescription
theropicus: (Mandy fears it may be time for reading glasses -.-;)
zelko07: XD
theropicus: What the hey?! NO! Don't turn my sweatdrop into a winking smilie!! ARG.
zelko07: hahahaha
theropicus: XP You're not funny. ::grumps::
zelko07: XD
zelko07: Cartographer's Craft *O*
zelko07: <3s to Sam~
zelko07: oh btb
zelko07: brb
theropicus: AAAA IT'S UP?! ...that's right, he said he'd put some up. So long, Jeanie, you cannot stand up to SAM
zelko07: LOL
zelko07: Well thanks to you, I have 'net crush on Sam now XD
theropicus: SHH. Do not interrupt the Siren call of SAM
::is busy reading::
zelko07: LOL sorry
theropicus: Sam = sex object of the discerning fangirl
zelko07: I agree XD
theropicus: 's okay - I've got it saved (along with the original version ^^)
theropicus: Have you seen that icon? "Remus Lupin. Sex object of the discerning fangirl." W/ Marta's picture of sad, post OotP Remus ::sniffs::
theropicus: Note to self: Make "sex object" icon with SAM. Or copperbadge. One or the other
zelko07: LOL
theropicus: And... Begin salavation... NOW.
zelko07: Okay, I'm going to go shower
zelko07: I'll call you tomorrow and we can get together =D
theropicus: See you tomorrow!! :D Will go wallow in SAMness now *.*
Yay, Jeanie! ^^
zelko07: LOL sounds good to me, nite!
theropicus: 'Night :D
^^ Yay.