6.14 episode reaction.

Feb 12, 2011 16:45

So, I just watched Supernatural and OMG. OMG. OMG. So, there seems to be mixed feelings about the episode on here but I liked it. Not quite as much as last weeks but I still thought it was awesome. I hadn't read any spoilers at all so I definitely got the full impact for this one.

-It was really interesting to see the contrasts between robo!Sam and Sam!Sam with the flashbacks - and Sam's reactions to knowing what he had done were just sad :(

-There were (as always ) a few great references in this episode - Mel Gibson and DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I can just totally imagine how that went down on set :)

-I liked the references to John, as well, and the way they had maps etc pinned up to the wall in the way he used to. (And a very, very, very small part of me is still holding out for a surprise return and this just gives me more hope)

-'Family slows you down' - that line made me so sad.

-'I nearly shot you! Again!' - And this one made me laugh and worry all at the same time.

- Sam shooting the people and using the sheriff as bait was, I guess, to be expected because it's robo!Sam but it was still heartbreaking to watch that and the realisation and everything.

-That ending! Reminded me of the season 3 ending. Just, yeah. I get why Sam feels the need to scratch the wall, I really do, but I wish he would just listen to Dean.

season six, supernatural, episode reaction

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