Lots of thinky thoughts

Jan 23, 2011 11:13

Hey guys :)

Well, I've got another day of revising ahead of me but I don't even mind because it'll all be over for a while by lunch time tomorrow! I'm actually still feeling quite confident about this exam which is strange because I'm usually feeling nervous by this point. I don't know, I just feel like this exam is much easier than the one I did last week because we have more time to write the essays and the extracts we get are fiction rather than non-fiction. Anyway, I'll let you know how it went tomorrow!

Remember how I got my Mum into watching Leverage? Well, now I've got my little sister hooked too. On Friday night it was my turn to choose something to watch so I chose Leverage and M (my sister) complained about it and then sat watching it in silence, kind of refused to admit that she liked it but then yesterday, when it was her turn, she chose to watch Leverage, too. So yeah, score one to me!

Also, up until now I've been shippling Eliot/Hardison all of the way and they're still my Leverage OTP but yesterday, for the first time, I really saw Nate/Eliot which is weird because I've watched all the episodes before. But yeah, the way Eliot's concerned for Nate when he's drunk, the way Nate grabs Eliot arm in The Wedding Job. Guys, I have a new ship :D So, anyone have any Nate/Eliot recs? And Nate/Eliot/Hardison recs?

I know I have a few Nate/Eliot shippers on here so when was the first moment that you really saw it? Which moments stand out as Nate/Eliot moments for you?
I have a feeling I'll be writing feverishly tomorrow night :D

Speaking of writing, I had a very interesting discussion with trollmela . I was trying to work out a timeline and background for a casefic that I'm planning and we got onto the topic of Sam leaving for Stanford. Anyway, lots of different things came up and it made me curious about what other people think. So, do you guys think it was selfish of Sam to leave for Stanford?

If you ship Sam/Dean - did they already have feelings for one another when Sam left? If so, why did Sam still leave? Was it so that Dean wouldn't have to choose between Sam and John? Did he tell Dean how he felt before he went or did he keep it a secet? And why were Sam's best memories in Heaven without Dean and John? How would that fit into the idea that he's always loved Dean?

Yeah, so I'm just wondering what other people think about it.

nate/eliot, real life, supernatural, thinky thoughts, leverage

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