
Dec 11, 2010 11:54

OMG. Seriously, OMG. I just watched the episode (homework can just go away) and OMG.

I loved it. So much.

-I liked the fact that Dean had that letter for Ben; I wouldn't want him to just forget him and I like these little reminders that we get. I didn't like the bit where they injected him - I hate needles!

-'Why are you dead?' 'Because I need a favour'. :D I think that line is so, so Dean.

-Death really is awesome. Seriously, his like of fast food, the way he tells Dean to be polite. Awesome.

-I'm so glad we finally got a mention of Adam! But I'm also glad that Dean picked Sam so quickly - I don't mean that in a horrible way, but Sam and Dean have the shared history, you know?

-'I'm your brother, I'm not going to let you get hurt." Awwwwww. Favourite line of the whole episode, I think. I mean, I loved the funny one-liners but this one, it just kind of sums up what the show is about.

-Sam was going to kill Bobby. There's no doubt about that and I actually think it's a good thing. As in, yeah, it's bad and upsetting and stuff but I think the show needed it to show why he needs his soul so much, does that make sense?

-WE HAVE SAMMY BACK! I'm really glad he got his soul back - I think it was the right time.

- Oh, also, Balthazar was awesome in this episode. And I think we'd all agree with this: 'Screwing him would delight me.' :D

So, awesome, awesome episode. I can't believe it's Hellatus already, the first half of this season has gone so quickly! I think it's been brilliant so far; I really liked the whole souless!Sam thing and I'm glad that it lasted for the length that it did. I think, if it had ended sooner, it would have been a bit of a cop-out.

I'm not going to lie, souless!Sam was hot and awesome and it was really interesting. It'll be nice to have the Sam that we all know and love back, though :D

spn, squee, season six, yay, episode reaction

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