Crazy love, Christmas and Gandalf

Dec 07, 2010 14:02

How's everyone doing? I was slightly MIA yesterday after school got closed again - went into town with my sister and we met up with K to do some Christmas shopping. We didn't actually get that much shopping actually done, though!

I'm going back up to school in about half an hour for history revision. I'm not looking forward to walking back up through the snow again!

Still working on coursework etc but I'm feeling a bit happier about it - there might be a lot to do at the moment but it's going to get better after January. *is trying to look on the bright side* At the moment, I have my coursework open as well as an essay on 'King Lear'.

We're starting to get the house cleaned and ready to decorate for Christmas which is exciting :D The tree's going up next weekend so I'm going to have to find our Christmas CDs - we always play them while we decorate - and I'm hoping my Mum will open the Baileys soon so I can start having Baileys hot chocolate XD

Have I mentioned my new celebrity crush yet? I've always known about this guy and liked his music but, after watching a documentary the other night,  Michael Buble is now my new favourite XD He seems like a really down-to-earth person and I do love his music. Although, I still can't take to his version of 'Crazy Love' - I mean, it's great when he sings it but I'm so used to hearing Jason Manns (ft Jensen) sing it.

I think I'll probably start posting the Christmas prompts around the 10th, just so that I don't spam you all with fic nearer to Christmas! I have most of them written now - going to try and finish the rest over this week and at the weekend.

Some of you may remember that I mentioned that Sir Ian McKellen was coming into my school. Well, that's today :D I don't know whether I'll even catch a glimpse of him but my sister's going to a workshop with him so it's all quite exciting! We're going to try and get his autograph, as well.

Oooh, forgot to mention, yay for Supernatural getting the mag cover!!!! That's pretty exciting, too.
Well, I think I've procrastinated and distracted myself enough for now - back to work I go :D

christmas, squee, real life, michael buble, randomness, school, procrastination, gandalf

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