Fic: Finally (Teddy/Ian)

Nov 30, 2010 19:08

Title: Finally

Fandom: 90210

Pairing: Teddy/Ian

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Sometimes, people get happy endings.

A/N: This one’s for big_scoop . Because he’s awesome :D

Eyes shut, Ian leaned back against the wall, waiting. It wasn’t up to him to make the first move. Outside, someone was shouting their names and he sighed when he heard Teddy walk towards the door. This wasn’t fair; being messed around like this. The door slammed shut and he opened his eyes, stood up straight when he saw that he wasn’t alone.

“You stayed?”

“Well, yeah.” Teddy scratched the back of his neck, “I’ve been a jerk.”

“You’ve been confused, there’s a-”

“I’ve been a confused jerk.”

“What - what made that happen?”

“I-” he shrugged.

Alcohol. He could smell alcohol. Which meant that Teddy was drunk. He turned away, rested his hand on the wall, “Teddy, go home.”


“You’re drunk. Go home and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

Teddy took a step forwards, reaching out, and then faltered, “I had one beer, it’s a party, everyone was drinking. I’m not - I didn’t kiss you because I’m drunk, I kissed you because I realised that-” He cut himself off and began to pace the room as Ian span back around.

“What? You realised what?”

“I-” Shaking his head, he sat down on a crate in the corner of the room, “Silver kissed me.”

There was no way he should be feeling as jealous as he was at that. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“She kissed me and then I looked at you and I knew.”

But there was still a chance that he was drunk, wasn’t thinking properly, would change his mind. Ian nodded, crossed over to the door and swung it open, turning back to face Teddy.

“You’re going?”

“Only for tonight. If you - if you still want this tomorrow then we’ll pick up where we left off. If you don’t…then I get it.”

“I’ll want it.”

“Sure.” He left, walking barefoot down the beach and determinedly not looking back.


Teddy stood, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he waited at the school doors. He’d not seen Ian all day and the tension in his shoulders wasn’t going to go away until he did. Yesterday, he’d waited until everyone else had gone home before he’d walked back out onto the beach. He’d spent the night thinking about Silver, Ian, the past few days and he was still sure about what he wanted. He stepped forwards as Ian hurried out of the school, wrapped a hand around his arm.


Ian smiled, glanced around as students streamed past them, “How’re you feeling?”

“I’m feeling sure.”


He nodded, “About this. I want this.”

“Freaking finally.”


He started walking, dragging Teddy along behind him, “You’re not drunk, you’re not confused, you’re not punching me or calling me names. Finally.” He bit his lip, “You want to go for a coffee?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” He took a deep breath in, looked around at his classmates as they passed by, paying no attention to anything other than their own problems. Swallowing, he reached out and grabbed Ian’s hand, twined their fingers together and kept on walking.

Now with a sequel: Coffee

teddy/ian, fic

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