Prompt Reminder

Nov 15, 2010 16:58

Guys, the Christmas prompt fics are going really well :) I've got over half of them written and a lot of ideas for the other ones. I've really enjoyed writing them so far - they've made me try new things that I've liked writing :)

If there's anyone who hasn't commented on the prompt post and would like a fic from me then please prompt here :) There's still a bit of time but I don't think I'll be able to take any more prompts after about December 1st. Seriously, you've all been so great over the last year and I really want to do this for you.

In other news, this stupid kid pushed my little sister as we were walking home from school today. I told him off and he insulted my bag :( So much for anti-bullying week!!!!!!

I posted another fic yesterday - season six is really helping with the whole inspiration thing.

Okay, I'm going to go and carry on writing about a Leverage Christmas (yes, kljoyce , this is for you!)

prompts, flist, real life

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