Welcome, writing and randomness

Oct 18, 2010 20:23

Hello and welcome to my new friends from the multi-fandom friending meme, badfalcon , darkelfgrl , dragoness22 , electrolitestar , isiscaughey and winslow_arizona . I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you XD I have an about me post at my journal but if you have any questions about me then feel free to ask :) I'll probably do a meme or something soon so you can find out a bit more.

I still haven't managed to watch 6x04! I know I said I was going to do it tonight but I've had important forms to fill in for University (it's actually a good thing because they mean I'll get a lower offer than I would have done.) I have tomorrow afternoon off school so I'm DEFINITELY going to watch it then.

The spnslashbigbang  fic is still coming along very well. I reckon I can probably finish the first draft before I go away. I've also just posted another Leverage fic. Which reminds me, do any of you by any chance have a html template for cross-posting? I've lost the document where I had mine saved and you all know what I'm like with html. (For my new friends, I'm absolutely hopeless with it and I hate trying it myself after one incident where I had to edit and entry about ten times.)

I realised this morning that there are so many new albums out by people that I haven't got yet. I'm figuring that Christmas isn't that far away so I can probably manage until then. Oh, also, Season 5 of Supernatural is on special offer at a shop near me. I already have part 1 but it doesn't have the extras so I'm trying to persuade my Mum to let me sell it on ebay and buy the full season. Keep your fingers crossed for me :)

Oh, and I'm still enjoying Emmerdale at the moment. Aaron has really, really developed as a character over the past few episodes and my inner fangirl (Okay, it's not so inner!) is going wild.

So yeah, hope you're all well! *huggles*

And that html template would really, really help. *makes Sam's puppy eyes*

friends, real life, spnslashbigbang, writing, welcome, challenges, help, confused, season five

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