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docrock06 June 19 2010, 23:55:07 UTC
Hey - just thought i would have a nosey after adding you :P I see you're doing English Lit. at A-Level - I did it myself last year (i've just finished my first year of college) so good luck with that, I know all the books and essays can be tedious if they aren't the type of book you want to read - or you're teacher stuffs you with something they only like lol

And if you ever need help with html or arty things I like to make art and I'm doing a computer course at college lol

Look forward to getting to know you!


theron09 June 20 2010, 10:34:13 UTC
Yay! Another English Lit fan!

Thanks for the offer or help - I'm so hopeless when it comes to html stuff! I'm writing a multi-chap fic at the moment and I'm dreading creating the master post!!

Looking forward to getting to know you too!


docrock06 June 20 2010, 14:02:15 UTC
Yep - although I'll admit they made us read "The Age of Innocence" - not really my style lol And when you need any help I'll be happy, I've done that for a few fics that I posted and it's pretty easy to do once you do it once :)


theron09 June 20 2010, 14:33:02 UTC
We're doing 'Love Through The Ages now'. We'll be doing some Shakespeare and possibly studying 'Enduring Love'.

Thanks :) *smishes*


docrock06 June 20 2010, 15:07:14 UTC
I did Shakespeare, we had to do "King Lear" - even though its like one of the longest and everyone else was doing The Tempst lol But I managed to get one mark off full marks on the test somehow, so it was all good lol

What play are you studying? I did "A Streetcar named Desire"


theron09 June 20 2010, 15:33:52 UTC
I think we'll be doing Othello.

Not sure what else we're studying; we've just started the new course (starting off next year's work) so they're just introducing us to the themes etc at the moment.


docrock06 June 20 2010, 15:36:27 UTC
Oh, I would have rather done that lol Well, best of luck to you!


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