Oct 08, 2010 08:49

It's Supernatural Friday!!! That means that I'll be able to watch 6x03 tomorrow! Yay XD

Thank you to gothic_elvis for the v-gift :) *hugs*

I just want to say thanks to all of you for your support over the last few days - it really does mean a lot. (Now we just need to actually take over a town where we can all live and be happy and awesome!)

My neck's a bit better today - have another appointment this afternoon so that should help more.

The thing with K is kind of sorting itself out. We're talking - and even joking - now so, although it's a bit awkward, I reckon we'll get back to how it was!

And erm, I better go because I'll be late for school if I don't!

flist, real life, thank you

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