
Aug 20, 2010 18:41

I've made quite a few new friends recently :) *waves* So I thought I'd just tell you all a bit about me.

Of course, my old friends can read it too! *hugs you all*

So, for those of you who don’t know yet, my name’s Megan. I’m 17 years old and I live in England. I’m studying for my A Levels in English Language, English Literature and History and I speak a bit of French (badly.)

I have a dog called Kizzie; she’s a two year old Golden Retriever who likes to steal cushions in her spare time. I’ve also got a little sister called Melissa and I live with her, my Mum and my Grandparents. Living with my Grandma and Grandad is…interesting. I love them to bits and it’s great because I get to see them a lot. But then there’s the huge generation gap which makes it hard sometimes.

In the future, I want to be a teacher and I want to write and get my work published. Writing and fanfiction is a pretty big part of my life.

I love country music and, living in the UK, I get ridiculed constantly for it but,*shrugs*, I like it.

I guess the easiest way to talk about fandoms and TV shows is to just list them so here goes:

TV shows: Supernatural, Leverage, Starsky and Hutch, The Bill, A Touch of Frost and many more. My real guilty pleasure show is Diagnosis Murder and I’ve even *gasp* wrote fanfiction for it.

Movies: Oceans 11/12/13, 27 Dresses, The Bourne Trilogy, Broken Bridges, Harry Potter, Mean Girls and more

I’m a real bookworm so it’d take too long to list them all here. I do love the Inheritance Trilogy, Alex Rider and Dean Koontz books.

I've been asked a few times about my username - Theron is actually taken from an original story of mine, not the actress. Theron was the main character. As far as I know, Theron originates from Greece and means 'Hunter' which fits in nicely with Supernatural :)

I do have an About Me post at my journal (I’m too inept at html to link it here) but if you have any questions then just ask. I don't bite :p

Oh, I have Twitter:

And AIM: MTheron09

If you're going to add/follow me then could you please let me know who you are :) Thanks :D

friends, randomness, flist, real life, ramblings and rants, welcome, about me

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