Spending and AIM

Aug 14, 2010 18:18

I bought another new dress today. I think I need to stop spending! Anyway, it fits so it's already in my suitcase ready for going away. I got some new flip flops too for £4 :D Bargain!

I'm up to Season 3 of Leverage - I love it so, so much! I'm definitely leaning towards Eliot/Hardison as my fav pairing for that show although Eliot/Parker and ( Read more... )

aim, flist, real life, supernatural, leverage

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longerthanwedo August 14 2010, 18:00:07 UTC
Yay, AIM! I'm piranhatheshaz :D


theron09 August 14 2010, 18:10:53 UTC
Yay! I've added you :) Did you have a good birthday?


longerthanwedo August 14 2010, 18:11:52 UTC
:) Yes I did! My actual party is tomorrow, haha :D


theron09 August 14 2010, 18:13:13 UTC
Yay! Oooh, hope you have a good party!!


longerthanwedo August 14 2010, 18:15:14 UTC
Yay, thanks! I wish I could invite all my internet friends, lol xD


theron09 August 14 2010, 18:17:37 UTC
Lol :) Me too!

I have way more online friends that I'd invite than RL ones!


longerthanwedo August 14 2010, 18:31:32 UTC
Same! Haha I have like 8 RL friends that I talk to in the summer xD


theron09 August 14 2010, 18:48:02 UTC
I have like, 2!


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