That Friday Feeling...

Sep 25, 2015 20:26

Today's been an odd day - lots of information and news to take in.

This morning I found out the information for my first placement; this is the school and year group I'll be working with on and off until February so it's a long time. I'm in with year 6 which is quite daunting as it's the oldest children and I don't have a lot of experience with that age. The more I think about it, though, it's a good thing I'm with them - it'll give me an opportunity to gain experience and step out of my comfort zone. The school I'm in seems lovely from their website as well, and I know one of the four other students placed in the same school very well so there'll be a familiar face around. I'm excited!

Most of the day at uni was spent watching everyone's presentations - and then it was my group's turn to give our own. I think it went okay - we were quite pushed for time because everyone had run over so we rattled through it a bit but I wasn't too nervous which was my main aim, really! But yes, there was a lot of listening today and sitting in the same room for ages so I'm quite glad it's now the weekend - especially as I didn't get much sleep last night.

Speaking of last night, A+T (two of my cousin's kids) started at our Brownies. It's going to be lovely getting to see them every week, and they seemed to have a great time. I met up with one of the other leaders/my friends beforehand as well at this new coffee shop that's opened up and it was lovely. The people were so, so friendly and the hot chocolate was amazing. It was good to chat with my friend, too!

Not got much planned for this weekend; I want to do some reading and go over some maths subject knowledge (because year sixes can be very clever!!) I'm also going to watch HTGAWM, H50 and Downton so I'll try and post my reactions/thoughts.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

fun times, brownies, pgce, family

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