
Aug 02, 2010 12:43

Well, Melissa (my sister) is away at camp now, she left on Saturday. It's been really weird without her. Once we'd waved her off at the station my Mum and I headed into town for a bit and I might have accidentally spent too much in the sales. Again. I'm taking a few things back though so it's okay. Right?

Anyway, Melissa has this whiteboard that's kind of a shrine to her favourite things. So, she's got Muse lyrics and quotes etc. She's also got 'Eclipse' up there. I've taken advantage of her absence and written 'Eat it, Twilight' in a corner - I'm going to see how long it takes her to notice it when she gets back :) Dean would be proud.

I've been doing lots of research for my Brownie project thing over the last few days - I'm still looking for 'How Girls Can Help Build Up the Empire' but I don't think I'm going to be able to find it anywhere. The only copy that I can find is $250.

I'm writing this afternoon which reminds me, the spnslashbigbang challenge needs more artists so, y'know, *nudges talented friends*. I'm slightly worried about that now because they've just done a check in post and other people have lots written. Hence why I'm writing this afternoon. How are all your challenge fics/art works going?

Does anyone know of any fic that mentions Jared and Cheaper By The Dozen? Even if it's just in passing or Jensen teasing him about it or something.

question, randomness, flist, real life, spnslashbigbang, challenges

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