So, day two...

Jan 02, 2014 15:59

So how's 2014 treating you all so far?

I can't stop sneezing but apart from that nothing majorly bad has happened up until now. Mum and I have been upstairs starting to sort through the mountains of paperwork piled up in the office - to say it's a big job is a bit of an understatement! - so it's good to be able to say it's a job started. I'm also starting to try and catch up on my landcomm duties etc today but not sure how much I'll get done inbetween sorting out. Just taking a break and having a hot chocolate right now and then we'll be going back to work.

Yesterday was quite a quiet day - after I posted we spent most of the day just chilling watching movies etc. We were planning on making a nice evening meal but we had quite a big lunch and were all being a bit lazy so we ended up having cheese on toast instead *G* We watched Sherlock as well - I won't mention any spoilers but I will say I really enjoyed it.


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