(no subject)

Jul 15, 2013 17:01

It was my Mum’s birthday yesterday and it was a really lovely day - we didn’t do a whole lot, just spent time talking and things but it was nice to just take a day off! We did carry on with our rewatch of Leverage season five which made me remember once again just how brilliant a season it is and then made me sad because NO MORE LEVERAGE. But yes, she seemed to like her presents and it was a nice day.

Received a preliminary reading list for my children’s lit module the other day and I’m really excited for some of the books we’re going to be looking at (among other things, we’re looking at The Subtle Knife, Howl’s Moving Castle and some texts by David Almond who, guess what?! Is giving us a guest lecture! Exciting!) I’ve actually got a good few of the books on the list which is good because a) it means I already know and like some of the texts quite well and b) it saves on some money.  Don’t know what I’m reading for my other modules yet but hoping I’ll receive a list soon.

I haven’t managed to get a lot of writing done over the last week - mostly my own fault because I’ve been distracted by Merlin - so I’m going to make an effort to write at least 500 words a day from now on because I liked the roll I was on and I don’t want to let it stop *g*

It’s still really hot around my way - it makes a nice change from rain and it means I’ve been able to sit outside in the back with the dogs, reading a book and things. The heat’s definitely making everyone quite lethargic though! Such an effort to do anything and the dogs are sleeping more than usual. It’s meant to last a little bit longer apparently, so I’m probably going to end up with so many additional freckles!

I’m repeating myself but we’re on a recruitment drive at the moment so I’m going to *g* If you’re looking for something fandom-y to do over the summer, avland  s a land comm for the MCU films and we have a range of challenges - writing, graphics, puzzle, luck, and other types of challenges to. The current mission is underway up until August 31st so there’s still time to join and have plenty of fun! (Or if Avengers isn’t your thing, there’s always leverageland or beacon_hills *g*)
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