JDM and Apple Pie

May 10, 2010 21:52

Okay, first off, there's something I need to get off my chest. A big hello to all my new friends *waves* - it's great to meet you all and I'm sure we'll get along great. I'm planning on posting some sort of an 'About Me' section soon, so hopefully that'll be useful.

My day started off really well today. I was walking to school, suddenly stopped and shrieked. There's a 'The Loser's' poster on my route to school! Which means I get to see Jeffery Dean Morgan every morning and afternoon. Which means I'm a very happy fangirl.

Is it bad that my first thought upon seeing a slice of apple pie was 'Dean likes pie'? I think I scared the people I was with at the time. It was a lovely piece of pie though.

On a more serious note, I have a challenge fic underway for the 'The Bill' fandom. It's a fandom that I've kinda dropped out of recently, but this challenge has been on the go for a while now. I've spent hours procrastinating and trying to get things written, but all that really needs to stop. So I'm publically setting myself a deadline for Christmas 2011. I know that's quite far off, but it's allowing time for my exams, beta-reading, rewrites etc.  So yeah, counting on y'all to keep nudging me.

squee, randomness

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