Meme Days Four and Five

Jun 26, 2012 10:37

Missed yesterday so I'll do two today.

Day 4: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. I wonder where he is now.
2. adksaa;aldkl Grifters are awesome and I love my team!
3. I'm so proud of Team Sidekick.
4. I really want a hug.
5. I wish they were in Newcastle.
6. What if I can't do it?
7. I should check lj.

Day 5: Six things you wish you had never done

1. Wimped out of swimming with dolphins when I was eleven - I still had a good experience but if I'd been less of a coward I'd have had an even better one.
2. Trusted the wrong people.
3. Been scared to be myself.
4. Got into the friends-zone
5. Argued with him.
6. Upset anybody I've cared about.

Day 6: Five people who mean a lot
Day 7: Four Turn Offs
Day 8: Three turn ons
Day 9: Two images that describe your life right now and why.
Day 10: One Confession


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