Ficlet: Marshmallows (Steve/Tony)

Jun 05, 2012 19:13

Title: Marshmallows
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 632
Summary: Tony bumps into Steve in the kitchen one night and has an epiphany.
A/N: Birthday fic for mizzy2k - Happy Birthday, Addy. It actually started out with more serious intentions and then just kind of turned into fluff but I hope you like it anyway. You’re a wonderful person and I’m glad I can call you a friend.

It’s two in the morning when Tony wanders into his kitchen -in search of actual milk and cookies because sometimes it does actually help him sleep - and finds Captain America sitting at the table. He shouldn’t be surprised to bump into him, not when he was the one who invited the Avengers to live with him, but he still is. He’s not used to finding people in his kitchen at stupid times in the morning, after all.

Steve looks apologetic. “I can leave if you want.”

It’s tempting - he doesn’t really want to share the secret of his cookie stash - but Steve looks comfortable where he is so Tony waves his hands in what he hopes is a welcoming gesture. “No need, Cap. Wouldn’t want to disturb your…whatever you’re doing.”

“Hot chocolate.” Holding up the mug his hands are wrapped around, Steve grins at him. “Do you want some? It might help you sleep. I mean, if that’s the problem. Maybe you just wanted a drink but-”

Interrupting Steve before he can ramble any further -that’s meant to be his issue, not Steve’s - Tony walks over to the fridge. “I’m good - you did find the marshmallows, though, didn’t you? Because hot chocolate without marshmallows isn’t really hot chocolate.”

“I didn’t, actually. I, uh, I’ve never really had that.”

Taking action, Tony closes the fridge without grabbing the milk and crosses to the cupboard where he knows the marshmallows are. He doesn’t cook much, doesn’t use the kitchen anywhere near as much as he probably should, but he always makes sure to know where the marshmallows are being kept.

“What are you-”

“Marshmallows.” He throws the bag at Steve and can’t help but be impressed by the guy’s reflexes. Super serum, he reminds himself. “You can’t have hot chocolate without marshmallows.”

Steve shrugs and pulls open the bag. “If you say so.”

“I do.” Milk and cookies forgotten about, Tony slides into a seat at the table and grabs the bag out of Steve’s hand, pours a good helping of the marshmallows out into his mug because if Steve’s going to have marshmallows and hot chocolate for the first time, Tony’s going to make sure he has it properly. “Give them a second to melt a bit then try it. Trust me.”

“Okay.” Steve leans back in his seat. “I’ll wait. Are you sure you don’t want some?”

He nods, wondering how he’d got from arguing with the Avengers on board Shield’s command ship to sitting in his kitchen talking about hot chocolate with Captain America. “You’re probably okay to try it now.” Tony watches as Steve brings the mug up to his mouth and takes a sip.


“Very good.” Steve wipes at his mouth and then smiles. “Thank you.”

Steve sounds so damn sincere in his apology that it makes Tony wonder how many other things he takes for granted that the guy hasn’t even been confronted with yet. “Any time.” He’s surprised to find that he actually means it; he actually wants to make Captain America - Steve - smile, the same guy he’d hated on sight just a couple of months ago. Steve still annoys him for all the same reasons; he’s so good and he’s too military for Tony’s liking and he doesn’t even really like technology. But Tony still wants to make him smile, just like he is right now, despite all of that.

This is usually the point where he ends things, goes out and gets drunk and meets some random. It’s only ever been different with Pepper and that’s something he isn’t ready to think about just yet. The thing is, he doesn’t want to walk away and, even though he’s not sure if he can do this, that fact that he wants to; that feels good.

fic, fic:avengers, steve/tony, birthday wishes

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